If you have caused or are causing harm to your partner or former partner or family member then exploring this website is a great first step to finding solutions.
At Bradford RESET, we recognise the importance of understanding and addressing the root causes of domestic abuse.
It’s a very difficult thing to admit. The fact that you’re here hopefully means you want a better future for yourself and those close to you. We’d like you to know that help is available and you’ve come to the right place.
How do I know if I need help?
If you display any of these behaviours, you are causing harm to yourself and the people you love.
Are you jealous? Do you constantly need to know where your partner is?
Does it make you angry when they want to spend time with friends or family?
Do you have strong opinions about what they wear or who they see?
Do you call them names and put them down?
Have you ever threatened to hurt yourself if they say they want to leave the relationship?
Do you text them excessively?
Do you monitor their calls and emails?
Does drinking or drug use trigger or escalate negative behaviour towards them?
Do you ever use force in an argument – including using your physical presence to intimidate?
Do you think they are responsible for your problems or feelings?
Do you force them to do anything they don’t want to?
Do you hit, kick, slap or spit at them?
Do you force them to do sexual acts they don’t want to or threaten to post intimate pictures of them on line?
Do you control their finances such as controlling money or taking out loans in your partner’s name?
Abuse in a relationship is when you try to control, undermine, harm or force someone to do things they don’t want to. We know you don’t want to be labelled as someone who does these things. You may feel these actions are justified, but it is never okay and doing this causes harm to people you know and care about.
Click the link below, or call us on 0800 915 9357 to refer yourself into the service.
How can Bradford RESET help?
Our dedicated team are here to help. We start with wherever you’re at. What are your strengths? What are your needs?
- We offer free 1-to-1 support and group work, if you are over 16years old and have caused or are causing harm.
- We support you regardless of your gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and any involvement in criminal investigations, outstanding charges or family court proceedings.
- This whole family service provides parallel support to your partner, children and family members ensuring they receive the care and protection they need.